Hi there. My name is Joshua Joseph, a University of Waterloo student who spearheaded the Region of Waterloo Bike Share Initiative. I'll be interning in Copenhagen this summer at Sustainable Cities™, a database that provides knowledge and inspiration on the sustainable planning of cities and best practice cases from Danish and international cities. Follow Sustainable Cities™ on Twitter at

In Copenhagen, 37% of people cycle. In contrast, the average cycling rate in Canadian cities is between 1-2%. Why the difference?

I'll be using this blog as a platform to find the answer. I will update this blog regularly, highlighting my experiences in Copenhagen and discussing topics such as cycling infrastructure and culture. Please comment, ask questions, and get involved! Together, let's learn about what cycling could be, and advocate for stronger cycling policies and infrastructure in the Region of Waterloo and throughout North America.

Looking forward to having you joining the discussion!

Joshua Joseph
Director, Active and Community Transportation
University of Waterloo Sustainability Project
Josh on LinkedIn

Cycling Rate in Copenhagen Source: Click here
Cycling Rate in Canada Source: Click here and here